In many occasions it is necessary a time of reflection about what is actually the level of Talent available to the Company, whether to know if the one you have is what you want, whether to know if the desired you have and do not know because you are occupying other positions in the Organization, or we want to evaluate someone who has not yet joined the Company.
At BELMONTE TALENT we have carried out these evaluations for over 20 years and have developed our own methodology, with powerful psychometric supports, which allow us to help our clients make decisions about the suitability of people / positions individually or as a group.
The 360º test allows us to evaluate the competencies, the behavior style and the functional features of the employees from multiple perspectives. Evaluate aptitudes, map knowledge and obtain an understanding of perceived behavior in a structured and validated way.
This methodology makes it easier for us to conduct evaluation interviews, establish individual or group training needs, make personal development or career plans and develop coaching programs.
Evaluation of executives and managers oriented to processes of promotion, personal development or mergers and / or acquisitions. We offer an objective and detailed evaluation of 15 indicators of competence and performance of the participant against the demands of the Manager’s function.
We also have the possibility to do a Benchmark study, so we can have an objective and measurable comparison of the whole team.
This helps us to think about the development / training possibilities of the management team, middle management or group or individual coaching actions.